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Syllabus Information


Spring 2018
Apr 28, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
CCR 092 - Composition & Reading
Associated Term: Spring 2018
Learning Objectives: STANDARD COMPETENCIES: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to read for multiple levels of understanding, to read critically, and to apply the steps of the reading process, including pre-reading, annotating and analysis, using college-level readings and materials. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to summarize course materials applying the steps of the reading and writing processes, using college-level resources. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use the writing process—including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing— to write informatively and persuasively in multiple genres using college-level course materials. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to reflect on their own reading and writing processes and to apply strategies to cross-curricular reading and writing tasks. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to engage in the behaviors of persistent and successful college students.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements: TOPICAL OUTLINE: I. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to read for multiple levels of understanding, to read critically, and to apply the steps of the reading process, including pre-reading, annotating and analysis, using college-level readings and materials. A. Engage in pre-reading to organize the reading task, to activate schema, and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and concepts. 1. Use heading and sub-headings to determine topics and sub-topics. 2. Create a plan for reading. B. Annotate texts to indentify key points, organize relationships between information, exemplify, explain, infer, summarize, and paraphrase. 1. Use context clues and word parts to define unfamiliar words, phrases, and expressions. 2. Use signal words and phrases to identify organizational patterns. 3. Use a variety of strategies—read out loud, alternate text, re-read, visualize, summarize, represent concepts in graphic form, talk it out, for example— to improve reading compression. C. Analyze college level course materials through post reading activities such as outlining or graphically organizing from the text. D. Analyze readings and course materials to determine 1. Author’s purpose and tone 2. Bias 3. Point of view 4. Author’s credibility 5. Validity 6. Adequacy and relevancy of support. 7. Differences between fact and opinion 8. Patterns of organization II. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to summarize college-level course materials applying the reading and writing processes. A. Identify and communicate main points without bias. B. Use academic tone, diction, and conventions. C. Structure and organize information into a coherent format. D. Differentiate between summarizing and paraphrasing. E. Integrate source information, with judicious use of direct quotations, following a standard citation format. III. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use the writing process— including pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing— to write informatively and persuasively in multiple genres using college-level resources. A. Generate ideas through pre-writing activities. B. Choose topics appropriate for an academic audience. C. Create multiple drafts of complete, multi-paragraph academic essays—moving beyond formulaic five-paragraph essays. D. Revise drafts for clarity, purpose, audience, unity, and support. E. Edit for punctuation, grammar, mechanics, and conventions within the context of their writing. F. Use standard formatting and citations. IV. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to reflect on their own reading and writing processes and to apply strategies to cross-curricular reading and writing tasks. A. Evaluate their reading and writing processes in order to transfer them to new situations. B. Identify and utilize academic support resources. V. Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use the behaviors of persistent and successful college students.

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