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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2016

  Course: NUR 191
  Title:LPN Refresher Course Clinical
  Long Title:LPN Refresher Course Clinical
  Course Description:Presents material as a co-requisite to NUR 190 the LPN dydatic portion of the completer program. Students will demonstrate skill attainment gained in NUR 176.
  Min Credit:2
  Max Credit:4

  Origin Notes: FRCC

 I.      Apply patient care principles to nursing action and procedures.
 II.     Demonstrate knowledge in assessing, planning, administering, and evaluating individualized patient care in hospital and clinical choice areas.
 III.    Describe assessment and nursing activities for pre and postoperative care.
 IV.     Discuss pre and postoperative complications and related nursing care.
 V.      Identify 3 major types of shock as to definition, etiology, and pathophysiology.
 VI.     Discuss clinical findings, laboratory abnormalities, definitive and supportive therapy for the major types of shock.
 VII.    Describe the cause, treatment, and nursing management of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
 VIII.   Identify the characteristics of drug information resources.
 IX.     Discuss laws regulating drugs and record keeping.
 X       Translate medication orders accurately.
 XI.     List the `five rights` of medication administration.
 XII.    Compute drug dosages safely.
 XIII.   Describe the mechanism of drug action in the body.
 XIV.    Explain drug interactions as well as physical and chemical incompatibilities of drugs in patient care.
 XV.     Describe the five steps of the nursing process to the administration of medications.
 XVI.    Describe physiological mechanisms responsible for managing alterations in fluid/electrolyte acid-base imbalances.
 XVII.   Describe mechanisms of acid-base balance in the body.
 XVIII.  Describe distribution of body fluids and electrolytes in the body.
 XIX.    Describe major causes of electrolyte and acid-base imbalances and their clinical manifestations.
 XX      Describe assessment and nursing management of patients with actual or potential electrolyte imbalance.
 XXI.    Discuss nursing implications for the elderly patient in terms of fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
 XXII.   Differentiate among simple, compensated or acute, and chronic respiratory or metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.
 XXIII.  Compare cause, treatment and nursing management of acidosis and alkalosis.
 XXIV.   Identify ten steps in performing venipuncture.
 XXV.    Describe intravenous complications and nursing management.
 XXVI.   Describe CVP monitoring.
 XXVII.  List three safety factors associated with CVP monitoring.
 XXVIII. List four types of blood administration reactions and six signs and symptoms of each.
 XXIX.   Illustrate the nurses` action for blood administration reactions.
 XXX     Illustrate benefits/risks of central lines and their care.
 XXXI.   Describe the main structure and function of each body system.
 XXXII.  Identify factors that alter the function of each body system.
 XXXIII. Identify essential components of each body system.
 XXXIV.  Discuss nursing interventions used to protect patients.
 XXXV.   Discuss use of pharmacological agents in the management of the patient with any disorder.
 XXXVI.  Describe procedures and tests used in diagnosis and detection of disorders of each body system.
 XXXVII. Discuss screening procedures for early detection of problems within each system.
 XXXVIII.Recognize cardiac arrest and utilize cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures.

 I.      Assess
 II.     Analyze
 III.    Plan for appropriate nursing care of medical surgical clients
 IV.     Implement
 V.      Evaluate care

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