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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2016

  Course: MTE 230
  Title:Design for Manufacturability
  Long Title:Design for Manufacturability
  Course Description:Provides students with an understanding on how to design a product for test, assembly, service, rebuild/reuse/recycle, postponement and several other product attributes. The student learns the role and development of design specifications, the importance and benefits of DFM, the design rules and their application, the design/manufacturing integration, the concept of designed-in quality, the role of design tolerances, the need for standard part use and the application and importance of concurrent engineering practices. In addition the student learns the application of tools CAD, CAM, CAB, PDMS and CIM in product development.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: FRCC

 I.      Explain the basic concepts of design for manufacturability(DFM)
 II.     Explain the elements of DFM
 III.    Discuss the benefits of DFM
 IV.     Explain design rules and their uses in DFM
 V.      Explain the concept of design/manufacturing integration
 VI.     Demonstrate basic knowledge of manufacturing processes
 VII.    Discuss the importance of `designed-in` quality vs. `inspected-in quality`
 VIII.   Discuss design for customers
 IX.     Discuss design for assembly, test and service
 X       Discuss the importance and necessity of top management support
 XI.     Discuss the role of design tolerances
 XII.    Discuss the need for `standardized` part use where ever possible
 XIII.   Explain the importance of process flow in establishing design rules
 XIV.    Discuss the role of CAD, CAM, CAE, CIM, etc. in DFM
 XV.     Discuss the role of automation in DFM
 XVI.    Explain the generation and interpretation of design specifications
 XVII.   Explain production documentation, bills of materail, process instructions, etc
 XVIII.  Explain the basic concepts of an engineering change order (ECO) system
 XIX.    Discuss concurrent engineering

 I.      Identify the basic concepts of design for manufacturability (DFM).
 II.     Discuss the elements of DFM.
 III.    Describe design rules.
 IV.     Apply design rules to an existing product design.
 V.      Explain the concept of design/manufacturing integration.
 VI.     Define manufacturing knowledge.
 VII.    Debate the importance of `designed-in` quality vs. `inspected- in` quality.
 VIII.   Discuss design for customers.
 IX.     Identify facts that relate to design for assembly, test and service.
 X       Discuss the importance and necessity of top management support.
 XI.     Explain the role of design tolerances.
 XII.    Select typical design tolerances.
 XIII.   List facts about the use of standardized parts in product design.
 XIV.    Discuss the importance of process flow in establishing design rules.
 XV.     Compare and contrast the different roles of CAD, CAM, CAE, CIM etc. in  DFM.
 XVI.    Illustrate the role of automation in DFM.
 XVII.   Explain the purpose of the generation of design specifications.
 XVIII.  Identify characteristics related to product documentation, bills of materials, and process instructions.
 XIX.    Define the basic concepts of an engineering change order (ECO) system.
 XX      Define Concurrent Engineering.

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