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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2016

  Course: MGD 259
  Title:Management and Production
  Long Title:Management and Production
  Course Description:Examines development of multimedia from a production standpoint. The process of transforming conceptual designs into actual projects is explored. Students study the management function of those tasks associated with the business end of development. Teamwork is emphasized throughout the course.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: RRCC

 I.      Define Multimedia Definitions and Projects (I) (III) (VII)
 II.     Discuss a general knowledge of the difference between a corporate audience, a consumer audience and other specialized audiences. (I) (IX)
 III.    Discuss the function of each team member: project managers, marketing specialists, content experts, writers, graphic designers, sound professionals, animators, video professionals, and programmers.(II) (VI) (XI)
 IV.     Analyze Multimedia Projects. (I) (II) (III) (VI) (IX) (XII) (XIV) (XV)
 V.      Discuss the variety of multimedia projects including electronic books and magazines, kiosks, databases, corporate training, interactive presentations, web page design, QuickTime and productivity tools. (I) (V) (IX)
 VI.     Design a complete schedule and plan for producing a multimedia project. (VI) (VII) (XV)
 VII.    Analyze the tools needed for different types of projects. (I) (IX)
 VIII.   Discuss and Analyze Hardware and Software for Multimedia. (IV) (V) (IX) (X) (XII)
 IX.     Work effectively in a team environment to produce a multimedia project. (II) (XI)
 X       Discuss the knowledge of each step in the production process. (I) (III) (VII) (IX) (X) (XI) (XIII) (XIV)
 XI.     Define the skills necessary to complete each step of the production process. (I) (III) (V) (VIII) (IX) (XIII) (XIV)

 I.      Understand the audience for each type of multimedia project.
 II.     Knowledge of the different team members and their functions.
 III.    Understand multimedia projects, production and distributions.
 IV.     Minimum and optimum hardware requirements.
 V.      Peripherals devices.
 VI.     Management.
 VII.    Design and production process.
 VIII.   Produce a multimedia project.
 IX.     Take a field trip to a local multimedia production company.
 X       Demonstrate a knowledge of RAM and storage requirements  for multimedia projects.
 XI.     Work on a team in production.
 XII.    Knowledge of animation and graphics.
 XIII.   Understand the different delivery systems.
 XIV.    Complete a schedule and plan for a project.
 XV.     Digital and Print Portfolio

 Course Offered At:

  Pikes Peak State College PPCC
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