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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2021

  Course: HIS 251
  Title:Hist Christianity in World:HI1
  Long Title:The History of Christianity in the World: GT-HI1
  Course Description:Surveys the history of Christianity and its impact on the world from its Jewish origins, into its European expansion, and ending with its modern global presence. This course analyzes foundational theology, the impact of significant events on faith, the influence of Christianity in art and culture, and the role of key people in their historical contexts. This course inspects Christianity’s relationship with Judaism, Islam, Enlightenment, modernity, moral systems and values. Guaranteed Transfer in GT-HI1 category.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Status Notes: New course entered 5/2/05 s@
  Origin Notes: CCA
  General Notes:revised competencies entered 11/30/10
   revised ttl., dscrptn, cmptncs, outln
  Course Notes:GT:HI1 201530
  General Notes:Update GT/Desc/CLOs/TO effective 202110

 1.  Reference secondary and tertiary sources to construct knowledge and to develop context.
 2.  De-construct complex and multiple sources of information into basic historical concepts.
 3.  Recognize the impact of continuity and change of historical perspective in context of time and space in the History of Christianity in the World.
 4.  Develop narrative structures and arguments based on evidence.
 5.  Compare and contrast how peoples, groups, cultures, and institutions change over time in the survey History of Christianity in the World.
 6.  Analyze events in the History of Christianity in the World in historical context to illustrate how social, cultural, gender, race, religion, nationality, and other identities affect historical perspectives.
 7.  Use diverse resources for historical research, including libraries, databases, bibliographies, and archives.
 8.  Identify perspectives in historical interpretation using secondary sources.
 9.  Identify types of primary sources, their perspective, and purpose of their author.
 10. Create substantive writing samples that employ critical analysis of primary and secondary sources with appropriate citations.
 11. Construct knowledge by developing historical narratives from primary and secondary sources, maps, and/or artifacts.
 12. Identify historiography and evaluate many points of view to build historical arguments with the History of Christianity in the World.

 I.    The historiography of Christian history
 II.   Early Christianity (1st – 6th c.)
        A. Jewish origins
        B. Hellenism and Paganism
        C. From persecution to state support in the Roman Empire
        D. The development of doctrine – councils and theologians
 III.  The Middle Ages (7th – 15th c.)
        A. The conversion of Europe
        B. Orthodox, Roman, and Coptic churches in the Middle Ages
        C. Christians, Jews and Muslims
        D. New movements – monasticism and scholasticism
 IV.   Reformation and origins of Protestantism (16th c.)
        A. Martin Luther and late medieval reformers
        B. The spread of reform
        C. Denominationalism: theology and politics
 V.    Christianity in the early modern world (17th-18th c.)
        A. Scientific revolution
        B. New worlds and Missionaries: Americas, Asia and Africa
        C. The Enlightenment: Christianity and rationalism
        D. Absolutism, revolution and Christian thought
 VI.   Christianity and “Modernity” (19th-20st c.)
        A. New ideologies: secularism, atheism, nationalism, and communism.
        B. Missions and Imperialism
        C. Many and one: New denominations and Ecumenism
        D. The social gospel: Christianity and economic change
        E. Christianity confronts its past: anti-Semitism and racism
 VII.  Contemporary Christianity (21st c.)
        A. Christianity in a globalized society
        B. New ideas and movements: evangelicalism, multiculturalism, environmentalism

 Course Offered At:

  Front Range Community College FRCC
  Pikes Peak State College PPCC
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