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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2016

  Course: DEA 208
  Title:Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen Admin
  Long Title:Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Administration
  Course Description:Prepares the dental professional in the administration of nitrous oxide/oxygen (N2O/02) sedation in the dental setting. Includes the history, pharmacology, equipment and techniques related to nitrous oxide/oxygen administration. Students administer N2O/O2 sedation under the direct supervision of an approved licensed dentist for a minimum of four (4) hours. Meets the requirement for State of Colorado Board of Dental Examiners approval to administer and monitor nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation.
  Min Credit:1
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: FRCC

 I.      State the provisions in the Colorado Dental Practice Law for nitrous oxide/oxygen administration by dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants.
 II.     Describe education/training requirements for dentists, dental hygienist and dental assistants for administering nitrous oxide/oxygen.
 III.    Explain Rule XVII requirements.
 IV.     Define `direct supervision`.
 V.      Tell who has the responsibility for determining and recording the maximum dosage.
 VI.     Describe the application process for state approval to administer nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation.
 VII.    Define pain.
 VIII.   Define pain threshold.
 IX.     Describe the current spectrum of pain and anxiety control.
 X       Describe the various stages of anesthesia.
 XI.     Describe the signs and symptoms of nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/sedation.
 XII.    Discuss the function of the respiratory system components.
 XIII.   Define tidal volume.
 XIV.    Estimate the tidal volume of adult lungs.
 XV.     Estimate the tidal volume of child lungs.
 XVI.    List the physical properties of nitrous oxide.
 XVII.   Describe how nitrous oxide is absorbed into the blood.
 XVIII.  Define titration as it relates to nitrous oxide/oxygen administration.
 XIX.    Describe oxygenation following nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation.
 XX      Describe the effect of altitude on the potency of nitrous oxide.
 XXI.    Describe biovariability of patient reaction to nitrous oxide.
 XXII.   Evaluate patient medical history.
 XXIII.  Consider the effects of nitrous oxide on patients with specific medical conditions.
 XXIV.   List conditions that would indicate postponement of nitrous oxide use.
 XXV.    List possible side effects of nitrous oxide sedation.
 XXVI.   List objectives of nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation for children.
 XXVII.  Identify indications for use of nitrous oxide/oxygen for children.
 XXVIII. List special considerations for pediatric use of nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation.
 XXIX.   Describe positioning of the child patient for nitrous oxide/oxygen administration.
 XXX     List the components of the various types of delivery system.
 XXXI.   Describe the breathing apparatus.
 XXXII.  Describe the scavenging system.
 XXXIII. Explain the function of the fail?safe mechanism.
 XXXIV.  Describe the proper use of the safety features.
 XXXV.   Identify patient reactions when the appropriate level of nitrous oxide/oxygen has been administered.
 XXXVI.  Explain the manipulation of the nitrous oxide/oxygen controls to properly titrate patient.
 XXXVII. Identify possible systemic effects.
 XXXVIII.Describe use of infrared spectrophotometry.
 XXXIX.  Describe personal nitrous oxide monitoring devices.
 XL      List precautions to minimize nitrous oxide exposure.
 XLI.    Discuss the abuse potential.
 XLII.   Describe effects of abuse.
 XLIII.  Give methods of preventing abuse.
 XLIV.   Demonstrate proper administration of nitrous/oxide and oxygen to patient.
 XLV.    Perform current and acceptable aseptic on nitrous oxide/oxygen equipment.

 I.      Colorado Law Regarding Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen: Administration in the Dental Setting.
 II.     History of Nitrous Oxide Sedation.
 III.    Pain and Anxiety Management: Trace the evolution of pain control: List Guedel`s stages of anesthesia: Relate nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation to the analgesia stage.
 IV.     Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration: Describe the anatomy and physiology of respiration, Define tidal volume, Describe airway management.
 V.      Pharmacology of Nitrous Oxide: Describe the interaction of nitrous oxide with the body.
 VI.     Patient Considerations: Describe use of nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation for dental treatment for the child patient.
 VII.    Nitrous Oxide Delivery Systems: Describe equipment used for nitrous
 VIII.   oxide/oxygen administration, Describe safety features of nitrous oxide/oxygen delivery systems, Describe manipulation of equipment to obtain proper levels of nitrous oxide/oxygen.
 IX.     Biohazards of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Administration: Describe possible
 X       risks to dental staff, Describe methods of detecting and monitoring nitrous oxide levels, list precautions to minimize nitrous oxide exposure.
 XI.     Abuse Potential of Nitrous Oxide.
 XII.    Technique For Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Administration.

 Course Offered At:

  Front Range Community College FRCC
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