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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2016

  Course: BUS 118
  Title:Business Survival Skills
  Long Title:Business Survival Skills
  Course Description:Provides an overall perspective for the student to understand the current domestic and world business environment and how the student as an employee fits into that environment. Roles and responsibilities of the business and the employees will be studied especially as they relate to alternatives for increasing positive impact in the workplace. The focus will be on practical skills application.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Course Notes: Entered new course 4/20/09 s@
  Origin Notes: RRCC

 I.      Understand and discuss the changing dynamics in the world economy and its impact on the business environment.
 II.     Explain how human relations skills are important to personal and career success.
 III.    Explain how perceptions impact the business environment.
 IV.     Understand and demonstrate the impact of the different interpersonal communication styles on the business environment.
 V.      Describe the basic theories of motivation.
 VI.     Describe the importance of effective communication in a business environment.
 VII.    Understand and demonstrate effective use of different communication techniques.
 VIII.   Identify and demonstrate problem solving steps and their impact on good decision-making.
 IX.     Describe the necessity for having organizational structure.
 X       Describe a team and how an effective team is built.
 XI.     Understand and discuss the breadth and importance of diversity in the workplace.
 XII.    Understand and demonstrate the goal setting process.
 XIII.   Explain the difference between leadership and management.
 XIV.    Understand the social styles model and application in the business environment.
 XV.     Demonstrate the skills of style modification.
 XVI.    Explain the sources of power and how it can be an effective process for achieving business objectives.
 XVII.   Describe the types of change in the business environment.
 XVIII.  Explain why standards of conduct are important in the business environment and the consequences for not having them.

 I.      Human relations: the key to personal and career success
 II.     Perception: different view of the world
 III.    Motivation: maximizing productivity
 IV.     Communication: the essential skill
 V.      Rapport skills
 VI.     Creative problem solving: making good decisions
 VII.    Working within the organization: structure and climate
 VIII.   Group dynamics: the advantage of working with others
 IX.     Teamwork: becoming a team player
 X       Current models for teams in the workplace
 XI.     Diversity: a business imperative
 XII.    Goal setting: steps to the future
 XIII.   Leadership: styles and skills of an effective leader
 XIV.    Social styles and leadership effectiveness
 XV.     Appreciating power-positioning and politics
 XVI.    Change: a constant in an inconstant world
 XVII.   Workplace expectations: business etiquette
 XVIII.  Standards of conduct in the workplace and your responsibilities

 Course Offered At:

  Arapahoe Community College ACC
  Red Rocks Community College RRCC
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