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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2023

  Course: HIS 2500
  Title:History-Islamic Civiliz: HI1
  Long Title:History of Islamic Civilization: GT-HI1
  Course Description:Surveys the tenets of Islam and the political, social and cultural history of the civilizations that embraced it from the 6th century to the modern day, including the diversity by looking at legal systems, scientific and artistic accomplishments, philosophical heterogeneity and political developments. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: PPCC
  General Notes:revised competencies entered 11/30/10 LK
  General Notes:Update GT/Desc/CLOs/TO effective 202110

 1.  Reference secondary and tertiary sources to construct knowledge and to develop context.
 2.  De-construct complex and multiple sources of information into basic historical concepts.
 3.  Recognize the impact of continuity and change of historical perspective in context of time and space in the History of Islamic Civilization.
 4.  Develop narrative structures and arguments based on evidence.
 5.  Compare and contrast how peoples, groups, cultures, and institutions change over time in the  History of Islamic Civilization.
 6.  Analyze events in the History of Islamic Civilization in historical context to illustrate how social, cultural, gender, race, religion, nationality, and other identities affect historical perspectives.
 7.  Use diverse resources for historical research, including libraries, databases, bibliographies, and archives.
 8.  Identify perspectives in historical interpretation using secondary sources.
 9.  Identify types of primary sources, their perspective, and purpose of their author.
 10. Create substantive writing samples that employ critical analysis of primary and secondary sources with appropriate citations.
 11. Construct knowledge by developing historical narratives from primary and secondary sources, maps, and/or artifacts.
 12. Identify historiography and evaluate many points of view to build historical arguments within the History of Islamic Civilization.

 I.    Life of Mohammed
        A.  Social origins
        B.  Tenets of faith
        C.  Political goals
 II.   Successors of Mohammed
        A.  Shiite v. Sunni
        B.  Role of Aisha
 III.  Women under Islam
        A.  Protections in Koran, Sunnah, Hadith
        B.  Customs
 IV.   Umayyad and Abbasid Empires:
        A.  Political accomplishments
        B.  Relations with medieval Christians
        C.  Scientific and philosophical accomplishments; economic systems
 V.    Rise of Sufi
        A.  Mysticism, religious reform
        B.  Missions to Far East
 VI.   Islamic Arts
        A.  Calligraphy
        B.  Glass
        C.  Architecture
        D.  Metallurgy
 VII.  Economics & law
        A.  Fiqh, Shariah
        B.  Schools of law and political thought
        C.  Moslem economic thought
 VIII. Splintering of empires, rise of Sultanates:  Turks and Moguls
 IX.   World Islam
        A.  Asia, Africa
        B.  Western world, US
 X.    Conflicts in Islam today
        A.  Rise of Islamicism
        B.  Israel
        C.  The future

 Course Offered At:

  Community College of Denver CCD
  Front Range Community College FRCC
  Pikes Peak State College PPCC
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