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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2023

  Course: MGD 2015
  Title:Painting for Illustrators
  Long Title:Painting for Illustrators
  Course Description:Develops a more refined visual vocabulary, concentrating only on wet media both monochromatic and full color. Projects are more self-directed with emphasis on research, content composition, and professional expectation of the illustration in the graphic area. Working from both life and photographic subjects, the student will develop skills to achieve control of the painterly illustration media.
  Min Credit:3
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: PPCC

 I.      Exhibit a working knowledge of design concepts, theory, composition and fundamentals.
 II.     Demonstrate an understanding of elements of design, line, form, value, color and balance and how they are applied into painting and illustration.
 III.    Demonstrate a familiarity with the creative process in the design industry and how electronic and traditional illustration is amalgamated.
 IV.     Exhibit a working command of image design, illustration and page layout, business strategies, creative methodology, artist fashion and trends.
 V.      Demonstrate a working knowledge of the business of illustration; its process, procedures, responsibilities and terminology.
 VI.     Exhibit a working command of conceptual development from rough thumbnails to finished camera-ready illustration and/or electronic file management.
 VII.    Exhibit a familiarity with the creative process that starts with research, client approval steps, conceptual exploration and style interpretation.
 VIII.   Demonstrate a working command of visual hierarchy, focal point order, communication clarity and composition management as used in illustration for visual communications as a language.
 IX.     Demonstrate a working knowledge of paint media as it is used in illustration; including, watercolor, ink, gouache, oil paint, acrylics and electronic software.
 X       Exhibit an understanding of professional conduct, procedures and                   communication skills in an industrial work environment.
 XI.     Demonstrate a working command of color theory as it applies to surface and the four color process of reproduction in print and web reproduction.
 XII.    Demonstrate a familiarity with employment opportunities including: freelancing, agent representation, traditional employment and studio situations as it applies to electronic and traditional illustrators.
 XIII.   Demonstrate a command of creative titles in the design business and how illustrators work in unison with their professional obligations.
 XIV.    Exhibit a working knowledge of definition in an illustrative portfolio and illustrative components in a traditional design portfolio.
 XV.     Demonstrate a command of professional time management, scheduling, continuity and illustration responsibilities in the design environment.
 XVI.    Exhibit comparative reasoning, creative decision making skills as it applies to the profession of illustration and design.
 XVII.   Demonstrate a knowledge of professional vocabulary, visual diversity and critical thinking as it is used in the classroom critique and job interviews.

 I.      Illustration Career Review
         A.      Specialty Fields
         B.      History
         C.      Tasks and Procedures
 II.     Illustration Design, Layout and Print
         A.      Creative Process
         B.      Developmental Process
         C.      Research
         D.      Communication Clarity
 III.    Wet  Media Applications
         A.      Transparent
                 1.      Water Color
                 2.      InksOil
 IV.     Wash
         A.      Opaque
                 1.      Gouache
                 2.      Inks
                 3.      Oil Paint
         B.      Mixed Media
         C.      Electronic Media
                 1.      Illustrator
                 2.      Photo Shop
 V.      Presentation Process
         A.      Client
         B.      Creative Director
         C.      Portfolio
 VI.     Time Management
 VII.    Critique
         A.      Creative Problem Solving
         B.      Communication Analysis
         C.      Aesthetics
         D.      Evaluations

 Course Offered At:

  Pikes Peak State College PPCC
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