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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2023

  Course: HPE 1088
  Title:Athletic Training Practicum
  Long Title:Athletic Training Practicum
  Course Description:Offers opportunities to observe and perform professional skills under the supervision of a certified athletic trainer in a collegiate setting. Practical experience may include athletic training room duties, work with low and high risk sports, male and female athletes, and observation of orthopedic surgeries. Emphasis will be placed on emergency care, general first aid, pre-participation exams, taping and bracing. Attendance at scheduled seminars/assigned hours are required.
  Min Credit:0
  Max Credit:12

  Course Notes: Number updated from HPE 130
  Origin Notes: NJC
  Status Notes: Revised number, compt, outl, descpt

 Required Course Learning Outcomes:
 1. Verbalize and perform the proper techniques (including log roll, 6 & 8 person lift, and scoop stretcher)  required to care for an athlete with a suspected spinal cord injury.
 2. Explain and exhibit the ability to properly splint an athlete with a suspected bone or joint injury using appropriate equipment to. This should include all the major joints of the body.
 3. Demonstrate the ability to tape, wrap, and/or brace the major joints of the body.
 4. Exhibit the ability to properly assess vital signs including but not limited to blood pressure, pulse rate, and respirations.
 5. Demonstrate the ability to perform a pre-participation exam and critical measurements therein.
 6. Articulate and demonstrate the use of universal precautions including donning and doffing gloves and proper hand sanitation.
 7. Model treatment of an acute open wound, including stopping bleeding using direct pressure, cleansing, disinfection and dressing various types of wounds.
 8. Exhibit the ability to protect various types of wounds during athletic practice and competition.
 9. Manage a wound through the healing process.
 10. Demonstrate the ability to properly dispose of bio-hazardous waste.
 11. Fit and instruct an athlete on the use of ambulatory aids such as crutches (3 and 4 point contact) and canes.

 I. Emergency treatments in Athletic Training
     A. First Aid
             1. Use of universal precautions
             2. Stop bleeding
             3. Cleanse, disinfect, and dress wounds
             4. Properly dispose of waste
     B. Spine Boarding
     C. Emergency Splinting
 II. Pre-participation Exam
     A. Physical Exam
             1. Height
             2. Weight
             3. Body Composition
             4. Limb Girth
             5. Limb Length
             6. Passive and Active range of motion
     B. History
     C. Blood Pressure / Pulse
     D. Vision
 III. Taping and Wrapping
     A. Ankle
     B. Lower leg
     C. Knee
     D. Thigh, Hip and Pelvis
     E. Shoulder
     F. Elbow and Forearm
     G. Wrist, Hand & Fingers
     H. Thorax, Abdomen, and Spine

 Course Offered At:

  Lamar Community College LCC
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Release: 8.5.3