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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2023

  Course: EMS 1080
  Title:EMT Clinical Internship
  Long Title:Internship: EMT Clinical
  Course Description:Provides the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with a supervised clinical learning experience that goes beyond the initial EMT requirements for the State of Colorado Department of Health. Enables the student to work with an assigned preceptor for 90 hours of clinical experience to develop an understanding of the role and responsibilities of the EMT-Basic.
  Min Credit:0
  Max Credit:12

  Origin Notes: FRCC

 I.      Explain the legal importance of patient confidentiality.
 II.     Discuss the elements of negligence and abandonment.
 III.    Outline the various types of consent.
 IV.     Demonstrate the proper method of report writing.
 V.      Present themselves in clean, appropriate attire.
 VI.     Utilize educational opportunities in the clinical setting.
 VII.    Recognize the need for instruction or assistance.
 VIII.   Convey acceptance, respect and trust.
 IX.     Perform duties in a timely fashion.
 X       Exhibit preparedness and competence as an EMT.
 XI.     Recognize points of surface reference.
 XII.    Indicate orthopedic landmarks.
 XIII.   Locate pulse points.
 XIV.    Demonstrate the various ranges of motion of the extremities.
 XV.     Describe the quadrants and viscera of the chest and abdomen.
 XVI.    Demonstrate a safe method for approaching a patient.
 XVII.   Recognize the various risks of field contacts.
 XVIII.  Demonstrate sound interview skills.
 XIX.    Demonstrate the proper method of initial assessment.
 XX      Demonstrate the proper method of a detailed examination.
 XXI.    Demonstrate the proper use of a stethoscope.
 XXII.   Demonstrate the proper use of a sphygmomanometer.
 XXIII.  Discuss various diagnostic equipment used by EMT`s.
 XXIV.   Discuss the significance of vital signs.
 XXV.    Demonstrate auscultation of heart and breath sounds.
 XXVI.   Explain palpation and percussion.
 XXVII.  Compare trauma verses medical patient assessment.
 XXVIII. Relate patient history with interview techniques.
 XXIX.   Discuss the need for scene safety.
 XXX     Discuss the dangers of the auto accident scene.
 XXXI.   Discuss proper vehicle positioning.
 XXXII.  Analyze accident scenes.
 XXXIII. Recognize electrical hazards.
 XXXIV.  Define fire and other environmental hazards.
 XXXV.   Describe proper approaches to a house or vehicle.
 XXXVI.  Explain the survey of a residence or accident site.
 XXXVII. Define particular high risk situations.
 XXXVIII.Describe standard safe practices in dealing with patients.
 XXXIX.  Demonstrate the chin lift airway method.
 XL      Demonstrate the jaw thrust airway method.
 XLI.    Discuss various pediatric approaches to airway management.
 XLII.   Airway adjuncts and the common indications and contraindications for their uses.
 XLIII.  Demonstrate the insertion of an oropharyugeal airway.
 XLIV.   Demonstrate the insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway.
 XLV.    Demonstrate the use of a bag valve mask - adult and pediatric.
 XLVI.   Demonstrate the use of a pocket mask.
 XLVII.  Exhibit the proper application of a non-rebreather mask.
 XLVIII. Exhibit the proper application of a nasal cannula.
 XLIX.   Define hypothermia and frostbite.
 L       Recognize the two variants of hyperthermia.
 LI.     List substances that are common to poisonings and overdoses.
 LII.    Discuss the variation in treatment between snake and insect bites/stings.
 LIII.   Describe the fundamentals of anaphylaxis.
 LIV.    List the signs, symptoms and treatment of altitude sickness.
 LV.     Explain cardiovascular episodes.
 LVI.    Recognize pulmonary complications.
 LVII.   Describe the pathophysiology of diabetes.
 LVIII.  Describe various neurological disorders.

 I.      Introduction to the Legalities of the Hospital Clinical Environment: Review of the legal responsibilities of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
 II.     General Professional Behavior: Demonstration of proper professional behavior regarding patient and peer contact.
 III.    Topographical Anatomy and Patient Assessment: The understanding of the general landmarks of the human body.
 IV.     Introduction to Patient Interview and Patient Assessment: The general patient approach and the proper systematic method of assessment for both the medical and trauma patients.
 V.      Review of Scene Approach and Scene Safety: The general guidelines for the safe approach to emergency medical calls.
 VI.     Airway Management and Oxygen Administration: Basic manual airway techniques that are commonly instituted in the initial care of the sick or injured.
 VII.    Environmental Emergencies: Non-traumatic medical emergencies related to environmental causes.
 VIII.   Medical Emergencies: The various common non-traumatic episodes that indicate serious pathophysiological changes in the body.
 IX.     Orthopedic Injuries and Splinting: The assessment, treatment and care for injures of the bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
 X       Neurological Trauma: Injuries involving the central and somatic (peripheral) nervous systems.
 XI.     Multisystems Trauma - Concepts of Basic Trauma Life Support: The recognized national standards of trauma care directed towards multisystems or multiorgan compromise.
 XII.    Obstetric/Gynecology Emergencies: The various aspects of prehospital patient evaluation, the care for gynecological emergencies, and child birth.
 XIII.   Pediatrics: An overview of the approach, evaluation and care for the sick or injured child, with particular regards for their special needs.
 XIV.    General Slobs Demonstration: The general field and hospital clinical applications of the EMT`s standards of care for the various field opportunities.

 Course Offered At:

  Front Range Community College FRCC
  Pueblo Community College PCC
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