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 Searching Current Courses For Fall 2023

  Course: EMS 1034
  Title:The Geriatric Patient
  Long Title:The Geriatric Patient
  Course Description:Focuses on working with the elderly population and is designed for healthcare providers (EMTs, paramedics, nurses). Utilizes various readings, assignments, papers, experiences and meetings with elderly people and patients to discover new ways of viewing the elderly and communicating and working with the geriatric patient. Covers the process of assessment of the elderly patient.
  Min Credit:1
  Max Credit:

  Origin Notes: ACC

 I.      Identify the various ways elderly people are perceived within society.
 II.     Describe how human longevity has increased over the past several hundred years.
 III.    List the various and general physiologic changes associated with aging in some people.
 IV.     Identify and discuss the great variation in how older people age (physiologically and psychologically).
 V.      Describe how physical and sensory changes may impact the elderly person/patient.
 VI.     Identify the various psychology affects associated with aging.
 VII.    Identify and describe Alzheimer¿s Disease/Dementia, listing their signs and symptoms.
 VIII.   Identify the potential hazards of having an elderly patient on multiple medications.
 IX.     Identify the basic proper assessment priorities for the elder person with a medical problem.
 X       Identify the proper assessment priorities for the elderly person with a traumatic injury.
 XI.     List the common signs and symptoms of elder abuse.
 XII.    List the legal responsibilities that healthcare providers have for reporting suspected elder abuse.
 XIII.   State some of the difficulties associated with being totally dependent upon others.
 XIV.    Differentiate between living wills and CPR directives.
 XV.     Describe what a DNR order entails.

 I.      How human longevity has increased over the past 2,000 years.
 II.     The aging process.
 III.    Discuss the changes that take place in sensory perception of some geriatric patients.
 IV.     Review general physiological changes that the elderly population experiences.
 V.      The difficulties the geriatric patient might experience due to sensory changes.
 VI.     Alzheimer¿s Disease/Dementia and the signs and symptoms in the geriatric patient.
 VII.    Assessment of the medical patient.
 VIII.   Assessment of the trauma patient.
 IX.     Elder abuse.
 X       CPR directives, DNR orders and a living wills, and their differences.
 XI.     Elder issues around death and dying.
 XII.    The enormous variation in how people age (physiological, psychological social).

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